Wallach Art Gallery • New York, 2024
Strings with brushless dc motor, magnets, speaker, pick ups, wood structure •
Lat. [Clamore] meaning noise is an overall term to describe the phenomena of sound. Embedded in noise we discover cl[amore] which reveals the profound love one can feel when particles in the air start to vibrate and our eardrums tender for the sweet melodies. More genere (to obey your will) to the force of sound, cla[more], unlocks sound as an infinite source of love. And it’s the mouth, Clam[ore], that we use to articulate those circumstance clamo[re] to love the sound.
In its initial state the work [Clamore] creates a constant transforming sound, generated through the rotating magnets causing the eight strings to vibrate. The instrument, not reliant on the human touch, reminds of a naturally occurring phenomenon much like the idea of love as an unseen but deeply felt force. By listening closely one finds melodies hidden within the steady drones, absorbing them through the body before releasing them back into the continuous stream of sound.
The possible interaction with the work reveals agency and responsibility: the raw energy of the continues independent stream of sound can be altered and shaped through the human capacity.
Based on a shared sound culture, the performer makes conscious alterations which are meaningful to its listener. However this influence temporary, yet meaningful will return to the ongoing stream of vibrating strings. The steady drones fill the space and the listener begins to perceive the subtle shifts and hidden harmonics anew.